Episode 2

ADHD IDEAS - (part 1) – we discuss the joys and challenges of ADHDers having so many ideas.

Published on: 4th October, 2022

I Tried This it Worked EPISODE TWO / ADHD IDEAS!


In this episode Emma and Stuart discuss and acknowledge that Adhders often tend to be great ideas generators – imagine brains with light bulbs flashing on and off or a brain like a pinball machine of ideas. Sometimes though we can become overwhelmed by the number of ideas.

Different situations are very conducive to having ideas such as whilst Stuart is on a run or Emma sitting on a bus. We discuss episode 57 of the Huberman Lab podcast which discusses conditions for analytical v divergent thinking. We ask what do we do with all of our ideas? How do we prioritise and avoid overwhelm?

Having the idea is the first step but just how do we store them, retrieve them and put them into action?

Are you someone who has lots of ideas and then what do you do with them?

Quotes from podcast:

Emma Aylett  “Just because ideas come easily to you it doesn’t mean we should devalue them.”

Stuart: “I call it the idea explosion, right?. And they just come too fast, too frequently. And sometimes it's great. Sometimes it's not too great because we feel overwhelmed.”

Mary Kay Ash: “Ideas are a dime a dozen. People who implement them are priceless”.

I tried this it worked blurting insights:

9.46: Stuart’s talks about how he uses notebooks to capture ideas.

10.52: Emma talks about using mind maps and needing to have a visual representation on a pinboard.

12.29: Stuart uses his fingers to remember ideas during conversations.

14.26: Emma talks about keeping a track of ideas through email

Links to articles/ resources mentioned:

Andrew Huberman – Huberman Lab podcast # 57 –

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About the Podcast

I Tried This It Worked
The place for curious ADHDers to try new things
ADHD? Co-hosts Emma Aylett and Stuart Cohen bring you an upbeat, optimistic conversation all about how those of us with ADHD can live life with more ease.
Our aim is simple - It's just to gather as many examples of things that ourselves and other ADHDers have tried and tested, those things which have really helped, and then to share them. It's a two-way conversation between us and you. Whatever the ADHD challenge there is someone that has found a possible strategy, hack or new way of thinking that has helped with their ADHD challenge. Might their solution work for you too?
We are also all about celebrating the successes of our podcast listeners.
We would love to know what you have tried that has worked for you and your ADHD.
You can leave your own I TRIED THIS IT WORKED and subscribe to our newsletter at Itriedthisitworked.com

About your hosts

Emma Aylett

Profile picture for Emma Aylett
I'm co-host of the podcast 'I Tried this it Worked'.
In my day jobs you will find me working as an ADHD coach / creativity coach, or delivering community creative projects.
I am passionate about people with ADHD (myself included) finding ways to live with more ease and to celebrate their strengths. A podcast seemed a great way to do both. With a background in performance and audio creation I love the podcast format and really enjoy producing and editing the show. Enjoy.

Stuart Cohen

Profile picture for Stuart Cohen
Hello! I'm co-host of the podcast 'I Tried This It Worked'. With great joy I serve the ADHD community as a certified life coach and voice of positivity. It is my mission to empower ADHDers to increase self-awareness and reframe ADHD as a skill set. You'll also find me researching, writing and delivering speeches in areas of personal and professional achievement. As an ADHD adult, our podcast has inspired me to try many new things. I love that our conversations are genuine and encouraging. Enjoy.